Open Data Deep Search

Open Data is mostly invisible to search engines and large language models. It’s possible to find data in open data platforms - if you know what you’re looking for…

ODDS is an AI based search engine for open data - bringing out the most of any open data portal


How it works

Open Data Deep Search is an AI based tool that acts as a data analyst:

it finds the correct and relevant datasets

understands the data format and structure

queries the data to find the exact information requested

… and provides clear answers to the user’s questions.

Use Cases

Fact Checking

Automatically verify claims and statements in news articles and other texts with the most recent and reliable data.

Open Data Portal Search Engine

Make your open data useful by answering the user’s questions directly - while showing them the source of the information.

LLM Grounding

Use data from trusted sources to ground large language models answers and make them more accurate and reliable.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funded within the framework of the NGI Search project under grant agreement No 101069364.

Funded by the European Union NGI Search
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